Multiple Sclerosis
Personalised physiotherapy to live your best life
- Are you having difficulty moving or experience muscle weakness?
- Do you experience significant fatigue?
- Struggling with vertigo or dizziness?

How we can help
Physiotherapy for Multiple Sclerosis
The first step is for us to take the time to listen to your story. We’ll ask you about your symptoms and how MS impacts your day-to-day life. Next we’ll do various physical tests to measure your strength, coordination, function, balance, movement and fatigue levels to help us understand your unique situation.
Personalised treatment plan
Once we have an accurate picture of your personal circumstances, we’ll design a treatment plan based on your personal goals.
Exercises may include:
- High-intensity interval training
- Strengthening exercises
- Balance exercises
- Stretches
We may also consider equipment that will make activities easier or safer, such as a foot splint, electrical stimulation devices, walking aids or e-Bikes and e-Trikes.
Above all, we’ll work with you to help you manage from day to day while being realistic about what’s possible.
A team approach
Due to the complexity of MS, it’s important to have a team of health professionals looking after your care. It’s not uncommon to have a Neurologist, an MS nurse, and Occupational Therapist, a Physiotherapist and a Psychologist as part of your health care team.
Together we can work with you to maintain the highest level of independence and achieve better quality of life.

Sharon’s Story
We supported Sharon, a delightful woman in her mid-50s, for 18 months while she lived on the Sunshine Coast. Sharon used to work as a PE teacher, so had always been very active until MS limited her ability to continue.
Her challenges
Multiple Sclerosis had left Sharon with significant weakness in her right arm and leg.
When we first met Sharon, she:
- Couldn’t lift her right arm to her head.
- Was unable to mount an exercise bike on her own.
- Had great difficulty walking, which limited where she could go.
Her goals
Sharon would go camping near the beach every Christmas, where she used to enjoy walking on the sand, but the impact of MS had made this impossible.
- Sharon’s desire was to be able to walk on the beach, use her right arm to help with everyday tasks and return to swimming.
Her physiotherapy journey
Sharon commenced weekly physiotherapy including exercises to improve her balance and strength. These were initially land based, but we encouraged her to try aquatic physiotherapy, or hydrotherapy, as she loves the water and was also keen to return to swimming.
We also supported Sharon with equipment to make it easier to do certain activities. On Sharon’s behalf, we applied for an e-Trike to enable her to ride around her local area. We were also successful in getting her a foot splint (an AFO) to help with her foot drop, an off-road walker for her to access her property, and, possibly the best piece of equipment of all, a beach rollator.
Unfortunately, Sharon got COVID and could not participate in therapy for several weeks, and it became harder for her to use her right arm and leg again.
Her successes
Over time Sharon found it easier to walk around and use her right arm in everyday tasks like brushing her hair and doing up buttons. She was also able to get on and off her bed more easily, mount her exercise bike independently and confidently swim 25m freestyle.
Sharon has now moved from our area, but we were thankful to help her find a new therapist to support her to continue to maintain function and work towards her goals.