How it can improve your daily life
Who benefits from neurological physiotherapy?
Neuro physios treat people with neurological conditions. We assess your condition and, from our findings, make recommendations based on our knowledge and experience, with a focus on evidence-based treatment. Our aim is to work with you to support you in achieving your goals.
Depending on your condition, therapy may be focused on improving your ability to carry out certain tasks, or it may involve problem solving by providing advice or equipment prescription.

Neurological conditions
Neurological conditions we treat
Neurological disorders affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization in a 2016 article. Most of these conditions are permanent, and we work with you to support you in maximising your capacity and reaching your potential.
We treat the more common neurological conditions but we also work with people who live with a condition that’s not necessarily known by most. Click on a particular condition to find out more about its symptoms and management.
This video explains neuroplasticity. Play by clicking on the arrow.
Benefits of neuro physio
People with the same neurological condition don’t necessarily display the same symptoms. For that reason we develop personalised treatment plans to help you achieve your specific goals.
Rather than looking at your movement from the perspective of muscles and joints alone, we consider how nervous system damage impacts on your movement. Therapy varies from person to person and may involve exercise to encourage rewriting of the brain, or neuroplasticity.
Our physios work with you to provide therapy that may improve your:
Walking ability
Muscle strength
Fine motor skills*
Range of movement
* Fine motor skills include reaching, grasping and manipulating objects.